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January 2018 in Belize

January in Belize – yikes

For those guests who booked their vacations in January in Belize – yikes!! It was the worst weather in January that most people said they had ever seen. It rained pretty much everyday for around 4-5 weeks, and although there were some sunny days, and breaks from the rain, it was WET and annoying!! At CBC, we had the most amazing guests who were great sports and found ways to make the best of it. It seems that it is over now – fingers crossed! For guests coming now (sorry past guests!!!:( ) they are treated to super lush growth everywhere, this is supposed to be a dry time of year and the foliage is loving it!!

So here was the scene for most of January 🙁
Remaxvipbelize - scene for most of January
Still pretty – and the weird thing was, the way the currents were, we had the MOST gorgeous water for January – so that was a positive!
Remaxvipbelize - gorgeous water
Remaxvipbelize - gorgeous water
Remaxvipbelize - gorgeous water
Here are some examples of the lushness you’ll find throughout the village right now…
Remaxvipbelize - village right now
Remaxvipbelize - village right now
Remaxvipbelize - village right now
Remaxvipbelize - village right now
Remaxvipbelize - village right now
Remaxvipbelize - village right now
Here are some other random pictures from January – we are set to close lobster season soon to (whaaaa!) and soon to come is the Placencia Art Festival!
Remaxvipbelize - Placencia Art Festival
 You can still get a ton of great seafood options, no worries!
Remaxvipbelize - great seafood options
 Wood carvers like Leo are a huge part of the sidewalk fun at the festival
Remaxvipbelize - sidewalk fun at the festival
 Local characters like Marlon the Coconut Man are sure to be found at the festival…
Remaxvipbelize - Marlon the Coconut Man
 This area will be the heart of the festival, right by Tipsy Tuna!
Remaxvipbelize - Tipsy Tuna
So word is, the weather has dried up, but we are getting a lil bit of Sargassum coming in. Belize is not for the fussy – it can be a place where you have to roll with mother nature, and it is not always predictable – but there are ALWAYS ways to have an extremely memorable and beautiful vacation!