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10 ways to get excited about your Placencia vacation!

Remax Vip Belize: Belize Island Beach

One of my favorite things over the last couple months, has been getting emails from future guests, with fun questions about how to improve their trip, and general excitement (right now, all the Northern climates are thrilled to escape the polar vortex).I know I am not alone in this, but when I travel, I become obsessed with the place I am going and I read blogs, forums, and look at images of where I am going, to daydream about it. To me this is part of the excitement of the trip!

So, specific to Placencia, Belize…here are some ideas for those of you heading down!1.)Download a favorite image and make it your computer and phone screen saver or background picture 🙂 Here are some of my favorites…

Actual Placencia sign you will see…everywhere.
Remax Vip Belize: Welcome you to Placencia Stann Creek
No sea grass sea. Don’t be discouraged if you come down and there is sea grass, it may be gone tomorrow!
Remax Vip Belize: No sea grass sea
 Caribbean Beach Cabanas, actual photo!
Remax Vip Belize: Caribbean Beach Cabanas
 Looks like a fake screen saver but actual Belize.
Remax Vip Belize: Fake screen saver but actual Belize
 Also looks fake but we actually took this picture.
Remax Vip Belize: Belize Desert
 No snow here.
 Remax Vip Belize: Belize Beach Nature View
2.)Daydream about having your coffee here…
Remax Vip Belize: Daydream about having your coffee here
3.)Pick a few spots to have your special night out dinners….here are a few favorites….(google pics)
Secret Garden is, in fact, a secret garden!
Remax Vip Belize: Secret Garden
 Rumfish…everyone knows this one!
Remax Vip Belize: Rumfish
 Maya Bistro…pictures don’t do it justice.
Remax Vip Belize: Maya Bistro
4.)Pick at least an excursion or two….here are some ideas….
Sea N’ Belize Glass Bottomed Boat…
Remax Vip Belize: Sea N' Belize Glass Bottomed Boat
 Monkey River Tour…
Remax Vip Belize: Monkey River Tour
Remax Vip Belize: Cockscomb
Remax Vip Belize: Cockscomb
5.)Google Placencia images 🙂 Do this ad nauseum, as needed. (images by, google images 🙂 🙂
Remax Vip Belize: Placencia
Remax Vip Belize: Placencia Beach
Remax Vip Belize: Placencia Beach sunset view
Remax Vip Belize: Placencia Hotel outside view
6.)Download some books for your kindle…here are some I really enjoyed to get me excited!

7.)If you are on Facebook twitter or instagram “like” some of the local places….here are a few active and fun ones….

You can go this site…
And get all of the latest pictures people are putting on Instagram with #placencia..they are awesome!

8.)Buy some vacation clothes and start packing way before you need to 🙂 Placencia is extremely casual and is known as a barefoot or flip flop town. Here are some ideas for what to wear or bring….

Casual times…(courtesy of pinterest and google)

Remax Vip belize: Vacation Clothes
Remax Vip belize: Vacation Clothes
As dressy as it gets…
Remax Vip Belize: As dressy as it gets
Ignore Pinterest when you see this….unless you are here for a wedding. Too dressy! Don’t Belize it.
Remax Vip Belize: A wedding. Too dressy
9.)Don’t read weather reports. You will see that it is supposed to rain every day. And, it does rain a lot of days anywhere tropical. But, unlike in Northern Climates, where if a front come in, you can guarantee it lasts for days, down here, “rain” just means a shower or two but 90% of the day is gorgeous. Plus, the forecast changes EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.
Remax Vip Belize: Northern Climates
10.) Pack in your carry on, or really accessible in your luggage, a fun beachy outfit to put on, the minute you land in Belize. The tropical air hits you the second you get off the plane (you exit planes outdoors in the small airport). You will be very, very sad you wore all those layers and socks and boots. You will feel like a caterpillar needing out of its cocoon. You will immediately feel like you are on vacation! Then, have a Belikin while you wait for your Tropic Air flight 🙂
Remax Vip Belize: All those layers and socks and boots