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Highest rated excursions by real guests in Placencia, Belize!

Remaxvipbelize : Belize cruse

We have been enjoying having guests here –finally!!!–for the last few weeks. We are learning a lot about how to create the best vacation, and what excursions people are giving the highest ratings to. I have written blogs in the past about what to do for a 7 day trip, budget tips, and the great excursions like Cockscomb (our guests LOVED Cockscomb with Doyle Gardiner, they highly recommended him as a guide and a person!) Here are a few more that got high ratings from our guests:1.) ATM Cave Tour. I have blogged about this tour in the past…and our guests said that the full day of driving, the high cost, and the exhaustion were totally worth it!! We found two highly rated guides that will drive you from Placencia to Cayo, where the ATM cave is. It takes about 3 hours….BUT…you also get to see a lot of the country that you would not see otherwise. If you are going to San Ignacio during your trip, just wait until you get there to do the tour. If you are only doing Placencia or the Cayes/Placencia, this is probably the #1 highest rated cave tour. From Placencia, you can contact these two to schedule it:

PACZ Tours (in San Ignacio but they pick you up here)

Ask for Bob-$225 US per person includes ride, tour, and lunch


In the village-talk to Laura Godfrey at Trip N Travel-

$225 US



You can see this:
Remaxvipbelize: People not being pooped on yet

2.) Monkey River Tour-Percy with Barebones Tours–has had Jack Hannah on his tour, and is said to be the highest rated Monkey River tour guide.

Also, if you are doing this tour, here are some great tips from Trip Advisor from guests who were on it (must read if you want to keep monkey poop off you).

People not being pooped on yet. (I don’t think that comes guaranteed with the package.)
Remaxvipbelize: Monkey River Tour-Percy with Barebones Tours

3.) Snorkeling and Scuba Diving with Splash: everyone may have already heard this! But, the guests we have had come down for diving, consistently say that Splash is the best/cleanest/most professional diving group. You can see their diving tours here:

Look how much fun they are having!
Remaxvipbelize: Snorkeling and Scuba Diving with Splash

4.) Day sails and snorkeling–we got a good review for the Daytripper Catamaran Charters, they can be reached at:


$75 US includes lunch and rum drinks

Not a crummy way to spend an afternoon.
Remaxvipbelize: crummy way to spend an afternoon

5.) Robert’s Grove Sunset Cruise–we recently went on this trip with our guests and it was awesome! For $20 US, you get two drinks, (sometimes snacks too), and you can purchase snacks or drinks from the bar onboard. It is a fun two decker boat, and you take a leisurely cruise through the lagoon. We saw tons of dolphins right by the boat and had a spectacular sunset! Highly recommended for a quick (4-7pm) excursion that is cheap. They also shuttle you from your place to Robert’s Grove. You can see their schedule here:

Pick your cruise based on how much you want to drink, and how much you can tolerate others drinking around you.
Remaxvipbelize: Pick your cruise

6.)Also, we heard the Tarpon Caye Fishing excursion was really good. We will be going on this ourselves mid December with some guests. For $300 US for a party of 4, you can go out for 5 hours, starting at 7:30 am, and you get to decide what kind of fishing you want to do! I can’t wait! (I chose the package of fishing for something we might be able to catch and eat, but we will see. I better perfect putting a worm on a hook before I get too ambitious.) Here is more info:

Looks legit.
Remaxvipbelize: Tarpon Caye Fishing excursion

7.) And finally, for an even more ambitious excursion… about this one!!

Here, you will go out from Dangriga….to the outer cayes!! Here is a description, and you can even do your first scuba open water dive to get certified! We are going to be trying this in the future and will review.

Excellent diving on drop offs which start from 25 to 40 feet on east side and north end of Glovers Atoll, the east side is deep canyons and a drop off starting at 60 feet and descending to thousands of feet down into the Bartlett Trough. Spires from 10 feet to 100 feet on the southwest side of the reef and rich descending steps of 50 foot drops on the western side of Glovers Atoll. The reef is rich in Marine life and very beautiful from shore or only minutes from our dock, allowing for excellent diving and snorkeling.

Island of all of our collective dreams.

Remaxvipbelize: Island of all of our collective dreams

We are also going to be going to Tikal…
(this is a Mayan ruin, believe it or not.)
Remaxvipbelize: Mayan ruin

…in early December with our friend Anna, from Cleveland, who will be in town. I will be sure to review this as well!! Poor Anna is going to be worn out on her trip….she is already scheduled to go to the ATM tour, Tikal, a wine tasting, Belize Ocean Club, help us volunteer at the Placencia Marathon, and maybe even snorkel….all in 5 days!! 🙂

If this is Anna at the airport on her way home, then I did my job.
Remaxvipbelize.: Anna at the airport

OK on the flip side…it is not ALWAYS perfect here…we had beautiful weather for a few weeks….then a cold front came in 2 days ago. It has been rainy and cold (73 degrees…..I can imagine the eye rolls I am getting!)

RIGHT before the front came in….poor Dave ambitiously decided to help out by filling in some potholes on an access road by our place. As SOON as the delivery guy had dumped all the filler… started pouring (that was 2 days ago and it hasn’t stopped!) The insane amount of work he put in is not showing…..yet…..but when it dries out I am sure he will feel like a hero! Till then….it is a bit of a sludgy mess 🙂 HUGE THANKS to Dick and Sandy Beach….our newest neighbors on the peninsula….who saved the day by helping out with their bobcat!! Wait a minute, Dave isn’t even helping in this picture, Dick is driving and Perfecto is…helping!

Not at all vacation-like. Not part of any excursion/sightseeing we will recommend.
Remaxvipbelize: excursion/sightseeing