Lobsterfest 2015 was a great success again! The only negative was that it was really windy, so the duck race was cancelled, but everyone had a great time. The supposed “rainy” season hasn’t been so rainy, only a few showers here and there, mostly at night. It was REALLY hot here about 2 weeks ago, but this past week has been perfect–enough cloud cover to keep the temps down, a nice breeze, and not such oppressive heat

Here are a few pictures from Lobsterfest:
Lobster pies from The Galley….yum
Dave doing a Rotary Announcement…if you hear his voice you’ll know why he gets picked to make the announcements…:)
Rotary Club booth
Find out all about the sea creatures that you pretend aren’t swimming in the sea with you….
BTIA and Humane Society booths…
Embassy booth
There were no shortage of Belize shirts to be bought!
My personal favorite….thanks Sue for capturing how everyone loves Lobsters!!! Please note Sticks is actually smiling.
Many people ask about rainy season, and you will find you get a lot of different answers. Basically, it rains MORE than dry season, but usually at night, so besides waking up to a wet ground or puddles, you don’t know it is rainy season :). The tropics are so unpredictable; you can have several days in a row of rain in dry season, which happens from time to time, and long stretches of dry in the rainy season.
Terrible thing to see on your beach vacation, courtesy of google.
It is a huge disappointment to come here and have it rain for many days in a row, but this doesn’t necessarily happen at any certain point of the year. With the constantly changing El Nino, it can be impossible to predict weather patterns and changes for people trying to find the best time to come. Basically, your chances of coming and having your trip ruined by rain are SMALL, statistically, but if it does happen, the best advice is make the best of it. :-/ (no one likes hearing that, including me!) BUT, here are some rainy day activities that have proved fun for people:
-Plan your inland excursions–spend more time than you thought at excursions you might not do if it were great weather (ATM Cave tour, Cave tubing, Xunantunich, Ian Anderson’s, the zoo). You might get cheated by not doing Monkey River, Cockscomb, or snorkeling, but the excursions are still totally awesome, just not the local ones (and you have an excuse to come back!). Also, the local excursions will still go out, just bring shoes you don’t mind getting muddy and a poncho (yeah look like a tourist!!) and you can still have a great time.
ATM Cave tour, google image as you can’t take pics in the cave anymore because tourists broke skulls by dropping their cameras on them >:(
Cave tubing (google image)
Xunantunich (google image)
-There are still plenty of restaurants you can enjoy indoors–Dolce Vita, Mojo’s, Wendy’s, Robert’s Grove, etc are great places where you will stay dry.
Wendy’s (google image)
Google image of Dulce Vita, proof people are having fun there!
-There is a new indoor “mall” going in, in the heart of the village. While there is no definite establishments announced yet, word is that there will be plenty of indoor shopping, a gym, and movies to do some indoor fun. You can also go bowling indoors at Jaguar Lanes!
Google image of the new mall going on…..it’s not done fyi in case you were concerned.
-Make sure you book where you have wifi/cable/books/games, (ahem, we have all these, just sayin’!) so you can enjoy some lazy days inside! These are underrated in my opinion 
This takes care of several days here, and you could still say you had an awesome trip!!
BUT let’s forget about rain…it has been great weather here, and we have been putting up a lot of cheerful beach art, which is always fun to look at when you are getting excited about your trip!
View as you walk up to casita/cabanas
A very exciting find….a decrepit lobster trap…now art. And thanks to Sue for pointing out that this is a cold water lobster, not a tropical lobster. Everyone will have to deal with my error and I will deal with being laughed at.
New signs so you don’t forget which unit you are in.
Whale shark. In case you miss the words.
View looking to the back of the property, where the house is going up and up!!