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Top 10 reasons travelers choose Belize, over all the other tropical places they can go!

Top 10 reasons travelers
This list is based on the feedback we’ve received from guests over the years. We always ask during a guest’s stay, why did you pick Belize? We love the answers so much, we wanted to share them. Most people only have a certain amount of vacation time and it is precious, so we hope this helps you decide on your place this year!!1.) The number one reason is ……Belize is one of the few unspoiled, authentic places left, that are still considered accessible to travelers. There are plenty of rustic places in the world, but many are quite difficult to get to, and few people want to spend a full day or two of their precious vacation time getting to the place. You can get to Belize in a half day or less of travel, and the minute you step on the land, you can feel the difference. It is just different enough to be a challenge, but friendly and small enough that you feel like an expert by the time you leave.

Belize in a half day
Rustic fun at Yoli’s in Placencia

What do I mean by spoiled and authentic? There are only a couple chains of hotels in the whole country on Ambergris Caye and Belize City, no where else – everything else is run like a small mom and pop place or boutique hotel. Many restaurants and tour groups are run by families, and the overall experience is the small town, personal feel people seem to pine for, that barely exists in most of the US tourist places.

2.) Natural beauty – If you check out a map, you will be intrigued to see how much coastline Belize has, and then just try to count how many islands (cayes) Belize has! Not to mention the jungle inland, the mountains, waterfalls, reef (see below), and the charming little villages that you will see as you ride through the country. You drive past farms that look straight out of the 1950’s, tropical foliage that has every color of the rainbow, tropical plants and palm trees, and it is the least population dense place in the western Hemisphere, which means you never feel crowded! This is not even mentioning the tropical birds, the amazing sea views, beaches, mangroves….

Natural beauty
Silk Caye

3.) World-class fishing – While this is not an area of expertise for me, what I do know is that a great deal of Belize tourism is for fishermen. If you do a quick google search for Belize fishing, you can get pretty amazed by the stories and pictures you will see. Our tiny village of Placencia is well known for its fishing, and people come here for world-class fishing, with a ton of local fishermen who run amazing guided fishing trips.

amazing guided fishing trips
Fishermen at Placencia Pier

4.) 2nd biggest reef in the world – Belize is well known for having the 2nd biggest barrier reef in the world, and then there’s the Blue Hole. This fact alone makes it one of the top places in the world for snorkeling and diving. The number of excursions you can take for these adventures is practically endless, and divers repeat their trips here again and again.

2nd biggest reef in the world
Ranguana Caye

5.) Combining an island/jungle adventure – many guests say that they love how they can spend half their trip in the jungle, and half on the beach. Belize has a history of attracting adventurous spirits who want to have challenging excursions while they are here. The caving is also a factor as caves like the ATM cave tour are considered some of the best in the world. Then, after the adventures, guests can also go relax on amazing beaches with just a tiny commute in the middle.

Combining an island/jungle adventure
Placencia Beach

6.) English speaking, US money accepted, and you can drink the water (in Placencia) – I combined these because these are all often repeated. While not any one of these is enough to place a country on top – when you combine all three, what happens is guests feel comfortable here, and find that it takes some of the stress of traveling out of the equation. In places similar to Belize – you have to come prepared with SOME bits of other languages (every tried checking out of a store where you don’t speak the language? You have no idea what you owe and you have to get a pen to have them write it, then have the correct local currency!) When you compare travel to other places to these comforts – and experience waking up thirsty in a place where you just ran out of bottled water (or make the awful mistake of drinking it!!), or having bad exchange rates, or not finding someone speaking enough English to help you – you certainly appreciate these comforts.

English speaking, US money accepted
The perfect beach bars

7.) Short easy flight – more flights are opening up every year to Belize. We get a lot of Floridians and Texans because they have a super cheap, easy flight and can be here in about 2 hours!! Even from the Northern US with a connection, you can leave the US at 6am and land in Belize City by 10 or 11am. While people love exotic tiki places – compare this to getting to Tahiti or even Hawaii!

Short easy flight
Exotic-looking main street

8.) Wanting an alternative to the all inclusive gig – when you have visited places on a cruise ship or an all inclusive hotel – it can feel a whole lot like being anywhere in the US, even if you are somewhere exotic. Everything is catered to be comfortable to the North American traveler, and while this is sometimes perfect for what you are looking for, other times, you can feel like you already can predict the whole vacation before you even leave. I can promise you….Belize will NOT be that experience 🙂

Wanting an alternative to the all inclusive gig
Placencia’s famous sidewalk

9.) Diving with whale sharks – although many places near us are places you can see or even swim with whale sharks, many places do not allow you to scuba dive with them. This sets Belize apart as this is one of the world-class diving experiences that you can do this, and people come from all over the world for this dive.

10.) Repeat guests – read our reviews, people often say they don’t like returning to a place again and again, but they come back to Belize – a lot. There is something about the warmth of a small village, where people get to know your name, and you can call a beach dog your own after a few days, where you are still treated as a special guest (not one of a million!) that make Belize feel like you stumbled on a secret!

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10 Ways to stay fit in Belize — Placencia Lifestyle

Placencia Lifestyle

Often we get asked “How do I stay fit in Belize?” by our guests. (and if you just want to lay on the beach, there are PLENTY of people doing that and nothing more.) Here’s what we learned from our past guests about their favorite ways of staying fit while they are in Placencia…1.) Bike riding – Placencia is a 16-mile peninsula, with one road all the way to the “top”- this is a GREAT ride, very interesting for people and sight seeing. There are plenty of places to stop on the way up and get water, have lunch, jump in a pool/the sea. Most people will stop when they get to the “Placencia Hotel,” this is north of Maya Beach in the “Plantation” area of the peninsula. If your hotel doesn’t offer free bikes (many do) you can rent from a place in town.

Stay fit in Belize

Placencia Lifestyle

2.) Kayaking – this is recommend first thing in the morning as it is much calmer in the morning, and gets more rough throughout the day. You can paddle over to Placencia Caye and snorkel, or go along the coast up past Turtle Inn and be nosy! There are a handful of places in town to rent these, and a few hotels that offer these complimentary.


3.) Paddle boarding – kind of the same as above, but you have to stand (obvi) and be a little more coordinated. Side note, you can do all these things complimentary at CBC!

4.) Yoga – there is GREAT yoga in this village. Placencia “runs” on Facebook – and how awesome is this – you can join THIS page to get the latest info on all the classes! Here’s the latest as of this blog post…


Mon 6:30am Vinyasa
Tues 7:00am Hatha
Wed 6:30am Vinyasa
Thurs 7:00am Hatha
Friday 7:00am Gentle Flow 4:00 kids yoga
6:00am – Ashtanga (half primary led class) with Aaron
9:00am – Basic Flow with Aaron

9:00am – Vinyasa Flow with Brice
4:15pm – Sivananda with Jan
5:30pm – Ashtanga (half primary led class) with AaronWednesday:
6:00am – Ashtanga (half primary led class) with Aaron
9:00am – Gentle Flow with JarkaThursday:
9:00am – Ashtanga (half primary led class) with Aaron
5:30pm – Vinyasa Flow with JarkaFriday:
6:00am – Ashtanga (half primary led class) with Aaron
9:00am – Basic Flow with Aaron
No Yoga until August..classes to be announced
YOGA 4 LIFE with Pam Bernier Swanick
Tues 10:00am Wild Orchid
Wed 5:30pm Naia
Thurs 10:00am Wild Orchid
Saturday 10:00am Wild Orchid

Paddle boarding
actual class at Eucalipto…
5.) Crossfit – There are two places to check out for Crossfit – schedules sometimes change, but you can walk to both places in the village and find out their schedules when you are here. First is Evolution Beach – see more below – and you can also check out the Placencia Gym above the ReMax office.
6.) Zumba – Zumba is popular here – Monday fitness classes are at the community center at 4:15, and Tuesday at Silver Leaf Villa at Harbour Place. Thursday is a toning class at Silver Leaf, and Zumba family on Friday nights at Tipsy Tuna at 7pm.
7.) Outdoor Gym – Evolution Beach mentioned above can be reached at 608 1643, and you can walk there right by the cut through road by Sea Spray. They have personal training, boxing, weightlifting, and more. You can also check out Placencia Gym in the evenings.
8.) Volleyball/basketball – There is a super nice volleyball court by Tipsy Tuna. There are often pick up games throughout the week with nice people, who will probably let you join if you ask :). You can also feel free to grab a ball and pepper there, it is a public park. There is a basketball court by the sports fields in the middle of town, and often you can find people playing pick up games there. These games are a great way to stay fit in Belize.
9.) Swimming – Another wonderful thing about Placencia, is that there are few things to worry about with regards to swimming in the sea. You are not going to run into rocks, there aren’t that many sea creatures near the shore, the water is usually calm enough for a safe swim, and there are few boats or anything like that to worry about. Also I have yet to see a shark.
10.) Running/walking the beach or main street – kind of self explanatory – but note that most of the year, it is way too hot to enjoy this in the middle of the day, so running is recommended as early in the morning as you can. One great thing about Placencia is that all beaches are public, so you can walk, and walk, and walk, on the shore until you can’t take anymore….and this is such a fun thing to do on vacation, you can just get right in the water when you get hot! The sand here is a workout to walk on, so your calves will feel it.
***If all else fails, you can just pull up some videos on YouTube and find a spot on the beach!! Also – check out the Placencia Breeze local newspaper, which has listings for all the latest fitness in town 🙂 Staying or getting fit in Belize is also a breeze!


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Dear Tropical Storm Franklin, what can I do if you make it rain on my vacation to Placencia, Belize?

Dear Tropical Storm Franklin
Ugh there is a big tropical storm Franklin headed our way tonight…..which is always a good time to consider what you can do in the rain around here??? Also, what should you pack if it is calling for rain in the forecast when you are here?? Here you go!

Top 15 things to do in Placencia Village in the rain

1.) Jaguar Lanes in Maya Beach – this is indoor bowling fun! Great pizza too, you can get a cab up there. (pic from their facebook page)

Jaguar Lanes

2.) INDOOR DINNER – I’d take this opportunity to visit the new spa called Naia and eat at 1981, where they have a fully enclosed restaurant. It is super cute, and somehow Mayan Modern! (pic from their facebook page)


3.) Pickled Parrot – this is not right on the sea, so you aren’t going to get the lashing wet sea breeze. This is a huge, dry palapa bar and everyone in there is always fun and cheerful. The crowd favorites are Thursday trivia, the meatloaf (great rain comfort food), and you can play with Mia and Ziggy, the awesome dogs that live there and will play fetch with you for hours (wait till you see Mia’s piercing stare right through your soul.) (pic from their facebook page)

Pickled Parrot

4.) Rent a car – right in the village you can rent a car from a couple places who will bring it right to you Barefoot Car Rental – this is a great opportunity to explore the 16 mile peninsula, and what is weird is you may find it sunny up in Maya Beach when it is raining in the village, and vice versa! Below are some ideas that may get you out of the rain in the village….(pic from their facebook page)

Rent a car

5.) Hiking at Bocawina

6.) “Secret” waterfalls (not that secret) and visit a bamboo forest…

Hiking at Bocawina
Hiking at Bocawina

7.) Hiking or an excursion at Cockscomb

8.) Go inland even farther – you can go to Ian Anderson’s for the day, and do a cave tubing (about 2 hours, probably not at all the same weather there unless we are dealing with a monster storm)

9.) Head to San Ignacio for the day – this is a pretty drive, and from there you can do the ATM Cave Tour, Xunantunich, and many Cave Tours. We like Trip N Travel.

10.) Tipsy Tuna – put on your lil poncho and head out, because there is plenty of dry space and it is always fun to people watch. People will always be there! And Tipsy has an indoor part with a sandy floor and a pool table! (really hard to find a pic of this. From Pinterest.)

Tipsy Tuna

11.) Sit at ChaChi’s and people watch – you can eat pizza and gelato right under a pretty substantial “tunnel” – and you are in the heart of main street with lots of good people watching. They have a bar under there too 🙂

12.) If all else fails – get food from Ian Anderson’s new deli or EnE Chinese and watch TV – if you are prone to boredom in the rain, make sure you stay somewhere with cozy indoor space, good movie channels, and good wifi. You are probably tired anyway so use it as an excuse to Netflix and …..go to bed early – and now you can get up and watch the sunrise at 5am since you are so well rested! Actual pic from Hacienda veranda.

If all else fails

****Packing tips (pretty basic here) – it doesn’t hurt to throw in a poncho and some water shoes. Check with your hotel if they provide umbrellas – we do! These can also be found pretty cheaply at the local stores. A long sleeve dry wicking shirt also helps. It also doesn’t hurt to ask about the hotel’s TV and wifi opportunities, and whether there is any outdoor covered space so you can still enjoy yourself and not get cabin fever (we do have all). Also – bring a couple ziplock bags for your phone and cameras, and a nylon or waterproof string bag. This should cover it!!